Junior Champion, SA Triple Supreme Champion and SA Honourable Pippin's Major of LesBeauxChats blue British Shorthair entire male with the most outstanding nature and several times winner of Overall Best Cat on Show and Adult Ring winner at cat shows
Another picture of Junior Champion, SA Triple Supreme Champion and SA Honourable Pippin's Major of LesBeauxChats blue British Shorthair entire male who loves head rubs and cuddles.
Double Junior Champion and SA Triple Grand Champion LesBeauxChats Survivor MacGiver also known as Pantoffel standard Munchkin/ shortlegged Munchkin, easy going and uncomplicated as the breed should be, hanging out on a scratchy post. Several times nominated for Best Cat on Show at cat shows.
Again Pantoffel standard with super nature, gorgeous coat and blue eyes.
Double Junior Champion and Champion LesBeauxChats Majorette young adult solid black British Shorthair female with amazing orange eye colour.
Also Majorette our black British Shorthair female with amazing orange eye colour and nature.
Champion Karnaki C & Co of LesBeauxChats Standard Munchkin/ Shortlegged Munchkin entire male with gorgeous glossy coat and fabulous body.
A second picture C & Co exploring the garden on a leash.